(Aruba3600) #configure t
Enter Configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z
(Aruba3600) (config) #threshold ?
controlpath-cpu Alert threshold for ControlPath CPU
controlpath-memory Alert threshold for ControlPath Memory consumption
datapath-cpu Alert threshold for Datapath CPU
no-of-APs Alert threshold for No of APs connected
no-of-locals Alert threshold for No of locals
total-tunnel-capacity Alert threshold for Total Tunnel capacity
user-capacity Alert threshold for USER capacity
(Aruba3600) (config) #threshold user-capacity?
user-capacity Alert threshold for USER capacity
(Aruba3600) (config) #threshold user-capacity ?
<value> Threshold value in percentage, exceeding this will
send snmp trap and syslog alert
(Aruba3600) (config) #threshold user-capacity
If this threshold is exceeded then subsequently drops below the 90% threshold, the controller would send the
following two syslog error messages.
May 14 13:13:58 nanny[1393]: <399816> <ERRS> |nanny| Resource 'Control-Path Memory' has gone
above 90% threshold, value : 93
May 14 13:16:58 nanny[1393]: <399816> <ERRS> |nanny| Resource 'Control-Path Memory' has come
below 90% threshold, value : 87
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